Locating Product and Payment Emails

Buyers are sent two emails upon the completion of each transaction on our website. One email is sent by us and includes product details with an encrypted download link. The other email is a payment confirmation sent directly by PayPal, the payment processor that we use.

If you did not receive these emails, please check your junk mail folder, bulk mail or promotional mail folder, or any other filtered inboxes that may be configured in your email application.

Requesting a Resend

If you are unable to locate our purchase confirmation email containing the product download link, please get in touch with our support team using the Contact Us page. Select the Purchase and Download Help option in the Message Subject area, then use the Message Details field to request that we resend it. Be sure to include your correct email address in the correspondence.

Verifying a Payment

If you did not receive the PayPal payment confirmation email, please monitor your credit card or PayPal account statement to ensure that the payment posted correctly. We are unable to resend PayPal emails as they are sent directly from their system.

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